Sunday, July 3, 2016

Safe return to Illinois

After 1-1/2 days of traveling, I safely arrived back in Illinois late last night (Saturday).  To say the least, I'm very glad to be re-united with my family.  I had been in Haiti the past 3 weeks while my family was in Illinois. Thanks to those praying for my travels yesterday.  At one point, it seemed nearly impossible that I'd make it home, due to flight problems, but the way opened and I was able to fly into Peoria late last night.

I'm glad to say that the situation in Bonne Fin seemed to improve some in the past week.  On Wednesday, several of us went to Les Cayes for a meeting with MEBSH.  MEBSH is the mission org. that owns Hospital Lumiere.  We met with the MEBSH executive team to discuss the ongoing challenges that we're having at Bonne Fin.  The outcome of the meeting was very positive in that MEBSH agreed to be more proactive in helping resolve the conflict with the Bonne Fin community.  We were encouraged later in the week to find out that they had already taken action and communicated with some of those in the community.  I've come to respect these Haitian christian men.  Our relationship has grown over the past several weeks.

Also, thankful to hear of so many others that are aware of the situation in Bonne Fin and praying. God is hearing and answering those prayers.