Sunday, April 2, 2017

Goodfield Team Visit

(in later discussion with our boys, one of them decided the team should be named the GOOD-FOOD team because of all the yummy stuff they brought us!  Think candy, chili-cheese fritos, apples, oranges, cake mixes, tortillas, canned pumpkin, etc.!)

In February, we spent a great week with some very special family and friends that came to visit us and also do some projects on the hospital campus!  Thanks to each one that made the effort!  We absolutely loved it!

Collecting some honeycomb and honey with Woodley.

The ladies did a lot of painting!

We took the kids to the bakery one day, and they got to help with the kneading process, watch the bread bake, and then eat some bread.

Brat roast on our patio.

We sang and prayed with this man who can't walk anymore, and he lays on a pile of rags in the corner of this room.  He sang along with us and seemed to have a true joy in the Lord.

Kurt bought some lobsters when we went to the beach and then had fun learning how to cook them when we got home!

The Hydro Hike survivors:)

Thanks to Becky for bringing this fun bubble activity for the kids!

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