As I awoke this morning to a beautiful sunrise casting a warm glow across our bedroom, I just wanted to say, "Thank You God for a calm and quiet day!" A year ago today we awoke to the howling winds of hurricane Matthew and experienced the worst natural disaster we've ever been through. Little did we know of the destruction and clean-up that awaited us, let alone the emotional stress of hearing story after story of Haitians without roofs and houses crumbling and wondering how we could help. Weeks after the hurricane, I was reading a book, and the author was explaining the verse in 1 Corinthians 13--Love bears all things. The word bear is the word "stego" in Greek which means "to cover", as a roof covers a house. So, in other words, love is a roof. That really struck me as profound after seeing so many of our neighbors with, literally, no roof over their heads! Even though I couldn't actually buy tin for everyone's house, I could still be a "roof" to them by showing them love. I'm thankful God brought that bit of wisdom to me when I needed it most (and thankful to AnnVoskamp who wrote about it in The Broken Way.). Today you would hardly know their was a hurricane that ripped through Bonne Fin. The regrowth of trees and greenery has been amazing to see. Not all the homes are repaired completely, but people are going on with their lives. Our hope and prayer is that each disaster in this world can be a wake up call to lost souls, and that each one can learn to trust in God's control and not their own.
A picture update of the last few weeks....
My first time ever giving blood. A patient at the hospital needed my blood type, so I knew it would be worth it.
Bag toss was our unit in P.E. to start the school year.
Cy and Henry handing out tracts at the hospital. They are great little evangelists! The Haitians are very receptive of smiling little boys! We like to visit patients on Tuesday mornings and sing.
Enjoying pie made by Reggie and Toby
We enjoyed watching a "Chopped" competition that was organized by our teacher, Katilin! Reg and Toby had 1 hr.and 45 min. to make an appetizer, entrée and dessert with no recipes! It was a great experience for them!